“When you’ve got something to prove, there’s nothing greater than a challenge.” – Terry Bradshaw

Vahe global academy, Varthur has organized an interschool competition on Saturday, 1st July 2023. Our Vydehian athletes shone gloriously and brought laurels to our institution in different categories. Below is the list of the students who won the prizes:

Chetana Sree (6B) has secured gold in Long jump, 100 mts & 200 mts races.
Charan.G (6H) has secured gold in 50 mts race.
Anoop Gowda.N (6H) has secured gold in 100 mts race.
Surya Vardhan (6B), Pankhudi Dwivedi (6F), Yelluri Tanvi (6E) & Joann Fiona (6B) have secured gold in 4×100mts Relay.

We are glad that our students had prepared to participate in the Inter School Sports competitions held at various places and have proved as a Never Giving up Team with a fighting spirit ignited within themselves. The coach, Mr. Krishna was recognized for the zealous preparation of the team. Congratulations to the athletics team of Vydehi.

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