Grade 7 CCA Activity – Adventure Awaits

” ADVENTURE AWAITS – Embarking on a Journey of Discovery: Uncovering the Thrill of Adventure through Literature”

As we step into the realm of adventure, we find ourselves in the midst of thrilling tales, daring exploits, and unforgettable characters. Vydehi School of Excellence has conducted the CCA activity for the month of July on Wednesday, 03-07-2024, on the topic ‘ Adventure Awaits’ takes us on a literary journey, where we delve into the lives and works of renowned authors who have mastered the art of storytelling.

Grade 7 students chose an author who embodies the spirit of adventure and embarked on a research quest to uncover the secrets of their writing. Read excerpts from their notable works, analyzed common themes and motifs, and presented findings in the form of an essay. It highlighted the joys of exploration, the challenges that foster growth, and the valuable lessons learned along the way. As they explored the world of adventure through literature, the boundaries of imagination are limitless. The words of their chosen author inspired them to dream big, to take risks, and to embrace the unknown.

Heartfelt Congratulations to all the winners!!!

Grade Position Name House
7A 1st Position Samarth Prajeet Takshashila
2nd Position Bernita Elangovan Nalanda
3rd Position Nihal Chandra Takshashila
7B 1st Position Sudiksha Misra Avanthika
2nd Position Arnav Singh Nalanda
3rd Position Dhananyaa Dineshkumar Nalanda
7C 1st Position Ria Khandelwal Nalanda
2nd Position Shriyansh Sekhar Sahu Takshashila
3rd Position Kaashika Chauhan Indraprastha
7D 1st Position Saineel Prayaag Kini Takshashila
2nd Position Sai Anish Gunji Takshashila
3rd Position Aditya Ghosh Indraprastha
7E 1st Position Nia Marie Siju Nalanda
2nd Position Vandhana Chandran Nalanda
3rd Position Advay Rahul Wawle Nalanda
7F 1st Position Kaitlyn S Indraprastha
2nd Position Navika Jha Indraprastha
3rd Position Audhira H Indraprastha
7G 1st Position Mayaank Beari Avanthika
2nd Position Atharv Chauhan Avanthika
3rd Position Tuhina Sen Takshashila
7H 1st Position Lishaanth SV Indraprastha
2nd Position Lakshita Kansal Avanthika
3rd Position Anwita Verma Takshashila
7I 1st Position Nidhi Rohit Takshashila
2nd Position Maanvi Khilolani Avanthika
3rd Position Rishab Shenoy Nalanda
7J 1st Position Swara Shingala Takshashila
2nd Position Sashi Sriniketan Nalanda
3rd Position Mruthula Aravind Avanthika



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