Encourage Playing Sports

Today, with the tremendous development in infrastructure, many cities and metros provide very good facilities in terms of sports and coaching as well. Now, the question apparently lies in developing that interest in sports or a particular sport and further nurturing it. To begin with, its good to encourage your children to play outdoor sports in times when not only kids but adults are hooked to indoor screens be it Television, mobile, laptop or likes.

Now encouraging your children in sports does also mean instilling life skills like commitment, teamwork, discipline, cooperation in your child. These skills will further go a long way in shaping them as individuals and honing their personalities. So, start with getting her out of the house. Here are few tips on how you can be a the guiding light for taking sports to your kids.

Encourage Playing Sports in Your Kids

Go by child’s Interest – You need not force a sport on your child. Its better to let your child pick the sport he or she likes or you decide if the child is unable to, based on the observation of interest and performance of the child in the sport. Motivating a child to indulge into a sport becomes even more easier if he or she is interested enough.

Start with the basics – Getting your child to play organized sports comes much after getting the child to learn the basic motor skills. Once the child masters these skills, its only going to better him or her as a he grows older and gets into main stream sports. Get your child outdoor for around an hour or so and let him play whatever he was too.

Books and Movies – If you child loves to read you might as well read them some sports based books and movies. This might just work as a trigger to get them interested in playing outdoor. Many superb movies are based on sports and they convey a lot more than just playing sports. So, try out movies like Secretariat, to name one, based on the racing horse’s journey is worth watching with your children, but see to it that the movies are age appropriate.

Breaks work – Don’t push your child on performance all the time. Give them plenty of time to do what they love other than sports as well. A balance is very important to preserve the interest part.

Efforts are more important – Though we all know that results count most, you need to make sure that your appreciate the efforts in the sport by your child equally and more so rather than the results. This will motivate the child to perform better.

Sports can go a long way shaping up a bright, active, confident, determined and target oriented human being out of your child and some way give a balance he or she needs to live in this big bad world. Play on!

Vydehi school of Excellence – An active child shows interest in everything. They display happiness and feel good. They perform well academically too. Physical activities are a must for children to make them active all throughout the day.

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