Tips to be Kept in Mind While Choosing a Daycare for your Child

These days managing kids while both parents are working is a very difficult task. You as parents are not able to give time to your kids as a major chunk of your time is spent at office and when home, you are so exhausted, stressed and tired that you ultimately give up to television and other gadgets that ensure that your kids are hooked to them and do not cause any bottleneck for you. Even you tend to unwind or relax in front of your television sets of tablets. But, be aware that its simply convenient for you, but harmful for your kids mental health. It impact the psychology of the child deeply because of the very little or no time you get to spend with your child.

Additionally children many a times become soft targets to parents, to vent their frustration and anger of office at home on them. Parenting is a huge responsibility and often you don’t gauge what’s coming when you plan a child. It’s only when you actually become a parent is when the enlightenment about the never ending responsibilities happens. When working parents do not have their own parents to be with their children is when the day care option is chosen.

Parents either go for a care taker or nanny or day care alternative. But, do you as a parent bother to carry out a check about the day care before you admit your child there. Here are a few tips to help you find a suitable day care for your child.

Location – The near the better. Go for a day care that is either near to your office or home. This will make it easy for you to pick up and drop and even in times of emergency. Plus, you will save time on commuting to far off day care, thus utilise the time to spend with your child.

Testimonial – If you have neighbours or friends who leave their child or children in day care, enquire from them. As there are umpteen day care facilities available, it’s very difficult to make the right choice. Testimonials can help a lot in shortlisting the good few.

Infrastructure – Infrastructure is vital. The day care should provide good facility as far as cleanliness, healthcare and hygiene is concerned as children are prone to infections.

Personal Visit – When you go for a visit, jot down the questions you need to ask and facilities you need to check on. Take the checklist along so that you do not forgot anything that is important and to be discussed out or checked out. Check for child caregiver ratio, food type and quality, cleanliness, bathrooms and nap rooms, TV schedule and their routine they follow with kids.

Safety & Discipline – Do check out for what safety measure have been put in place and the disciplinary measures they use with children and if you approve of them.

Child Comfort – If the child’s school has a reliable day care, the child would more or less be comfortable there else if you happen to narrow down one or two, take your child to visit the facility and see how he or she feels when out there.

Well, you need to do your homework before putting your child into a day care facility because after all your child is going to spent a major chunk of the day in that space and that too without you to keep an eye over.

Learning through play is fundamental to the philosophy of learning at Vkids. We recognize that play is an essential element in the development of young children, providing situations where they control the events and construct knowledge.

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