A study has revealed that over controlling behavior of parents towards their children can affect negatively on their ability to deal with own emotions and behavior. The study brought forth the point about how helicopter parents can hinder the child’s ability to face challenging situations and demands amid years of growing up. These children can have issues dealing with the complex school environment as well.
The researchers studied around 422 children over a period of eight years with assessment at the age of 2, 5 and 10 years of age. The study involved observation and assessment of their emotional as well as social development. During the observation sessions, the researchers asked the parents as well as children to play together like they do at home.
The findings pointed out that parents who were helicopter parenting were guiding their child and instructing them through the play, teaching them how to play with the toy, how to clean after the playtime is over and so on. Some of them were strict and demanding as well. The kids on the other hand reacted in a variety of ways by either showing apathetic attitude, showing frustration or showing a sense of defiance.
The results at various age milestones were different. The result of over- controlling behavior of parents at 2 affected the child’s regulation of emotions and behavior making is adverse by the age of 5 years. Against that, children with good emotional regulation and behavior at 5, showed no issues with emotional regulation and also improved social skills as well as more productivity, by the time kids reached 10. They were also able to manage their impulse in a better way. Children who had mastered the ability to calm down self amid distress situations and to conduct themselves had an easier time adjusting to the difficult demands of the school environment during the preadolescent years.
These results could be of great help to parents because objectives of parents are positive but they are not aware of the hidden consequences, hence if they are made aware of the same it could help them support their kids in the right way. Furthermore, they could use the study to their advantage and help their children learn emotional and behavioral control by understanding them, talking to them one on one and explaining them the consequences around different types of behaviors. They can also help their kids through music, creative activities like drawing and coloring as well as deep breathing that helps the children cope with their emotional distress. Positive coping strategies work really well in child behavioral management.
The parent-teacher association of Vydehi School of Excellence is an active body of the School. Every parent and teacher is a member of the association, as VSE strongly believes that parents and teachers must work together with children to improve the quality of education and life of children.