How To Ensure Kids Safety During Diwali? – 20 Precautionary Tips

Diwali is the festival of lights and everyone including the children are very excited about Diwali. It is by far the most important festival of the year for all Indians irrespective of religion, caste or creed. Having said that Diwali also brings along with it the fear of burns, eye infections, breathing issues, skin allergies and more. Hence it is important that we take due care not only for our children but also for all of us including elders who too because children and the elderly are more prone to Diwali accidents due to fire crackers.

As per skin specialists Diwali is the festival when people into lighting fire crackers of various types and this makes our skin vulnerable to different chemicals that are using in making fire crackers. As they say prevention is the best cure, it’s always a good idea to take due care to avoid accidents due to fire crackers.


Here’s a few tips on keeping a checks so that you can avoid Diwali mishaps –

  • Always buy crackers from a registered store only
  • Store fire cracker away from inflammable areas
  • Keep fire crackers away from the reach of children
  • Light the crackers only in open areas
  • Do not point crackers like rockets , etc. towards other residential places
  • Keep a steel bucket or pot to dispose the lit fire crackers like sparklers so that no one
  • mistakenly stamps on them. After use pour water on the lit crackers
  • Do not light crackers near parking areas
  • Always wear footwear when lighting fireworks
  • Wear cotton clothes and avoid polyester or clothing of other material
  • Keep first aid handy in case of a mishap
  • Supervise your children when they light crackers and ensure they light crackers from arm’s length
  • Always keep a lot of water ready for use in times of emergency
  • Do not direct or light crackers on roads of crowded areas
  • Avoid carrying crackers in pockets
  • Do not keep liters or match boxes around crackers
  • Avoid exploding crackers that create noise pollution
  • Avoid doing any kind of stunts around lighting crackers
  • Take care of clothing like stoles or duppattas as they are prone to catch fire easily, rather avoid.
  • Do not right away go to check on crackers that did not burst on lighting. Also keep safe distance even while checking.
  • Do follow the instructions printed on fire crackers and follow them

Let’s make Diwali a festivity of lights and happiness and shun away endangers that firecrackers bring along with precautionary measures in place.
Have a safe and eco-friendly Diwali.

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