Toys And Toddlers – All You Need To Know

There’s a huge difference between parenting in the earlier times may be two decades or more backwards and cut to today. Earlier parents were not very keen, interested or sometimes aware around the importance of grassroots. But, times have changed and for good. Parents are very keen on trying their best for the upbringing of their children. Again with internet on hand, searching for information around it and even school support, parents have become aware of the fact that early years are the times when they have to be on their toes and dedicate their time and energy to give their children the environment required for them to bloom fully.

Toys are an integral part of early and growing years of a child. There is a sea of choices available to choose from when it comes to toys. Here are a few point to help you out with choosing the toys that help your child not only play and explore but learn and grow as well.

Toys And Toddlers

Toys that Trigger – Toys that trigger your child’s imagination are a good idea. Toys like blocks, food items toys, stuffed animals, doll houses wherein you child is able to make stories and act them with the help of pretend play. Pretend play can help hone their language skills and more.

Play based Skill Development – Toys like puzzles, clay, blocks and shapes can help your child explore, create as well has think logically. These activities can help them hone their problem solving skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial relation and motor skills.

Inter-generational play Toys – As your child crosses the age of 3, try out game nights where the family sits together and plays. Go for simple ones first. Playing together as a family will not only help hone the bonding, language skills but also their skills around counting, memory and matching.

Mix and Match – Have different sorts of toys, so the child is not bored and gets to learn a lot of different things through play. With online shopping at the click of a button, you can get access to a whole world full of toys making the whole process hassle free

Toys do have the age group information printed on them, so go for age appropriate toys, toys that are able to transform play room into a place to learn while they play.

Just know about Top Leading CBSE Schools in Bangalore

*Sourced from the Internet

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