Children with special needs do require classroom setup that takes care of all their needs. Most schools have a team of teachers and special educators working together and a program designed for the same, as well. It is a fact that if children with special needs are provided the environment and assistance required, they are capable of achieving the same feat as their peers.
Lets run through some of the classroom needs.
Interaction and Communication
Children with special needs often find it difficult to talk interact as well as communicate with people around them. Also, known as speech, language and communication needs, the difficulties that these children face include -
Talking to others on topics chosen by others
Communicating with peers when in a group
Making friends and keeping friendships that last
Deal with happenings around them like sensations, noise or smell
Deal with doing things another way then they are used to
Learning and Cognitive
Issues with memorizing important words
Taking more time than usual peers to learn skills
Taking more time than usual to answer questions
Difficulty understanding letter sounds and spellings
Social, Mental and Emotional
These difficulties including managing self as far as behavior is concerned and expressing emotions as well as socializing and include -
Difficulty following instructions and listening
Difficulty making new friends
Physical and Sensory
This includes managing oneself with medical assistance or support.
Having said that, children with special needs are capable of living quality and independent life and perform like other peers of theirs. The only thing they need is a bit of extra support and help. Just like creepers need support to climb and with the support they flower and bear fruits. There are some plants that do the same without support. Children with special needs simply need support and cooperation from the teachers, psychologists, special educators as well as therapists to help them bloom to the fullest. As simple as that.
*Sourced from the internet
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