Carpenter or Gardener – What Kind of A Parent Are You?

Parenting is nothing less than a roller coaster ride and many a times, you’d find parents asking experts about some formula for parenting their kids perfectly. Well, as per experts there is no such formula. While today parents aren’t really able to spend a lot of time with kids due to both of them working. So, in a bid to do our best for our children many a times we end up doing helicopter parenting. Well, Experts think that children need to be on their own and not instructed or hovered by parents all the time. As per one of the known Psychologist and author of the book The Gardener and the Carpenter, Gopnik, trying to shape your kids so that they turn out to be particular type of adults is a doomed project by far. Furthermore it could also be counterproductive. Having said that she does not mean that kids don’t need looking after. They certainly do but not like it’s been done in today’s times. Most of the middle class parents, fathers and mothers alike have taken up parenting like any occupation and their main focus is results more than the over-all development and well-being of their child.

Carpentar or Gardener

According to the psychology professor Gopnik, “leaving children alone is not a bad idea” and children are the last thing we need to be controlling. Apparently children need to stop worrying around the tiny little minutes of parenting as it does not make any different on how children turn out of be. Over parenting apparently creates a generation of kids who aren’t really independent.

Gopnik says that there isn’t any formula around parenting its just that parents need to be the gardeners for their children. Let them grow up freely not like those gardeners though who hothouse their plants – vis manipulate or force plants to grow in a greenhouse. Its just to water them adequately and provide the necessary nutrients just like a plant grows in the meadow.

*Sourced from Internet

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