Involving Kids In Household Chores

Many of the parents today are very much concerned about their children development. One reason being that these days parents have only one or maximum two children and because mostly both work they aren’t really able to spend much time with children. Hence, out of love and guilt to an extent they want to do the best they can otherwise. So, many parents pamper their children a lot and rarely involve them into household chores. But, involving your kids into household chores that they can manage is apparently a good idea.

Here are a few reasons why involving kids in household chores is definitely useful in their overall development.

Involving Kids In Household Chores

  1. Team Spirit – When you involve kids in household work they learn team work.

  2. Responsibility – By giving them a task they become responsible for the task and see to it that it’s completed. It also makes them competent.

  3. Satisfaction – The satisfaction they get on completion of a task assigned to them actually motivates them to do household chores with interest over a period of time.

  4. Stress bust – Working together with your family is fun and a stress buster too. It’s a time to bond together also

  5. Finish fast – When household chores are done together they get done faster and that time could be utilized for doing fun activities together

  6. Caring – Involving your child into house hold chores is about training him indirectly into caring for their family

Well, an older child can definitely choose his or her own tasks. But, motivation from your end is imperative so that the child is eager or interested to get involved in household chores. You may talk to your about the chores they ‘d like to do and also the why it is great when a particular task assigned to them is done. So, make a weekly plan and ask your child for his her choices and when done praise them or give them small rewards like extra playtime or so.

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