10 Facts Parents of Special Needs Kids Should Know

If you are a parent already and reading this, you need not be told about the kind of stuff parents have to deal with day in and day out. May be some parents have kids who are easier to handle but most of us have been through tough times dealing with children, their moods, tantrums or meltdowns at some point or the other. With working parents it’s even more-harder because they aren’t really able to give their time to the kids which is of utmost importance. Additionally, if you have a child with special needs, he or she deserves double the attention and effort compared to their peer. It’s definitely an uphill task and more so a roller coaster ride. But, there are few things that parents of special kids should know for sure


  1. You are Superhuman – You are the chosen one, being given a special task by the almighty, a task to raise children with special needs. Every day you have to work with child tantrums, meltdowns, give medication and at times take your child through medical procedures. While you do all this, you have to maintain your calm, stay sane, be patient and empathetic even though at times you could lose it all and this is not really human isn’t it? Well, so consider yourself a superhero and nothing less.

  1. Therapy the play way – Often special needs kids do require therapy. But, when you find a therapist, find one who engages the child in a way that the child feels its play and not therapy. The best therapists are known to do so, make therapy play for children. Also, even when the kid is playing it is apparently therapy because, well, play is therapy. The kid explores, plays, learns, has fun and gets better

  1. Spend quality time – Though you might be running tight on your daily routines and the added work that comes with raising a special needs kids, you need to find time where you simply sit down, enjoy and bond with your child. Keep aside all the tasks, and snuggle for a while, play with them, go for a walk or a hike, read with them, listen to music with them and just have quality family time. This is definitely going to help them feel more secure and

  1. Take Care of yourself – You deserve self-care because you are already doing more and you would be doing so for a long time to come. This is definitely going to take a lot of energy and hence self-care is a priority too. If you are fit can you have that extra energy to take care of your child. So, take care of yourself, have some me time, go for regular health checkups, enjoy a hobby and stay fit.

  1. Forgive yourself – You’re already on the multitasking drive and you are bound to create mistakes even though you try to give your best shot. So, when you end up doing a mistake, feeling frustrated or bad about it is not going to work or make you feel better or help make better decisions. So, try to be a little easy on yourself and forgive yourself when the need really be.

Well, these are only a few things of the many others that parents of special needs children need to keep in mind because they are running a different race from other peer parents.

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