Vydehi School Of Excellence Coloring Competition

Vydehi School Coloring Competition

Vydehi School Coloring Competition

The first coloring competition of the year was held in Vydehi School of Excellence in June which witnessed some budding artist in full form .Their imaginative skills transformed the black and white sheets to amazing colorful pictures. Coloring as an art is a way of expressing emotions in a creative manner. Usually it is the practice of applying medium such as paint or color pigments to surfaces such as walls, glass, canvas and paper. Application is usually done by using objects such as brushes. Coloring or painting occurs in numerous forms they can be drawings or collages. Different combinations can be used to represent the conceptual intention of the artist. Some paintings represent stories, nature of the landscape, motile life or emotions. Painting as an art has a great deal of history behind it. Drawing is the technique used while medium is the actual substance used to create the artwork. There are wide ranges of drawing media that can be used to create drawings. Each medium has different characteristics and produces different effects. There are also different drawing techniques related with each medium

Such competitions encourage you with an excellent way to learn the techniques of sketching and drawing. Some people are a born artist and some need training, these days you can also learn drawing skills online, the websites have in fact emerged as the best contemporary solution to learn drawing various things. One of the biggest advantages of learning drawing online is that it is free and you do not have to pay anything for the training you receive .One of the most popular form of drawing is the Still Life Drawing -is an art term, that refers to a special kind of picture. It represents an arrangement of lifeless objects (hence the name) such as a bowl, a cup or fruits. A still life work can have several purposes. If you work in color it can help you understand how color acts in real life, how the light bounces, and how an arrangement of colors can bring a special mood to the painting.

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