All You Need To Know About Dealing With Mental Health Issues For The Young!

As per statistics of India, the working generation in India is already into the clutches of the mental health issues. A study of 2015 shows that around 42.5% working professionals of private sector in India suffer from mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Furthermore, due to the stigma around mental health, most people have been refraining from taking appropriate treatment and ignoring it away. Though, in urban areas the situation is changing and people are coming to terms with the fact that like the physical body needs medical attention when not well, similarly our mind needs a mental health expert when under stress or if somethings not right with it. As simple as that.

What is more alarming is The World health organization’s estimate that India could suffer economic losses amounting to 1.03 trillion dollars on account of mental health issues during the period of 2012 and 2030. Another study reveals that around 71% of Indians consider mental conditions as a taboo. The Wall Street Journal in its 2016 report revealed that Indians work for 52 hours every week and its way to high compared to their peers across 25 countries. In Indian working women the rate of psychiatric morbidity is 38% compared to 26% non-working women.

At work there’s a lot of stress resulting from deadline and target achievement, office politics and bullying and then there’s personal issues like finances, relationships and family problems making it a perfect breeding arena for mental health illnesses. Talking about management of mental conditions, there is definitely a way out but it has to be worked upon at a personal as well as a professional level.

Professionally, the employers need to understand that it is as simple as better mental equals to better quality and better productivity. So, there have to be policies put into place and the employees need to be given a healthy working environment.

On a personal basis consulting a good therapist, engaging into hobbies post work, help and support from family besides medication can help in resolving mental health conditions. The most important point to be kept in mind around mental health is that the earlier you work on your condition the better. Hence, early intervention for childhood mental health conditions can work really well for children born with mental health issues and help them improve quality of life.

Well, it’s high time that we focus on our mental health with the same interest as we focus on the bodily health because mental health issues are bound to affect our physical well-being also, without any doubt.

*Sourced from Internet

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