Employment For The Specially Abled – The Scenario And Possibilities

As per statistics around 2.1 % of India’s population is suffering from some kind of disabilities or challenges, which means these children will grow up into adults with special needs. Even though, many children with special needs are put into schools offering special education and have the ability to work in positions similar to their peers, only 10% of them are actually absorbed into the various job sectors. While there’s a dire need for the government and social community to take notice of this issue and work towards creating work opportunities for adults with special needs, here’s a look through some of the job profiles where adults with specials needs are working and well to say the least.

Hospitality – Be it cooking in the kitchen or housekeeping, the hospitality industry does welcome staff with special abilities. Though it isn’t that glamourous there are opportunities in this sector.

Arts – This is one such area where expertise can give enormous returns and fame too. As an artist people with special abilities can have a flourishing career and they could be their own boss too. Arts like painting, photography, sculpture, theatre could be one of the best options for career for people with special needs

Craft – Handcraft industry in India is doing really well and with ecommerce providing a big marketplace, working in the craft industry is also another work areas suitable for adults with special needs. Government does offer financial assistance for people looking to become entrepreneur in house handicraft industry.

Freelance – This could be for any sort of work which you could do sitting at home. Work from home opportunities in sectors for accounting, finance, medical transcription, graphic design or more could definitely be a big yes for adults with special needs.

Veterinary – You may get to see adults with special needs in veterinary clinics and the reason it adults with special needs can relate with animals in a much better way than humans. Apparently its true for even normal people, ain’t it? It could be as a veterinary doctor or groomer or even working in a local pet store, this profile could be quite a suit for them.

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