5 fun activities for your children in Christmas

Christmas holidays are just around the corner and most parents are searching out for ways to keep their children particularly preschoolers engaged with fun and interesting activities so that they do not mess around or take a toll on them. The good news is there is not one but umpteen activities that could help you manage your children with ease during the winter vacations.


Here’s a run down few –


Board Games – Its winter, and outdoor is a good idea but if you want to have some indoor fun than board games is a great idea. Be it snakes and ladders, ludo, business or games like carom and chess, board games can be your sure saviors for long hours. Most of the children love them and would immediately agree to participate. More so if they see you are their company they would be more than happy to do so.

Creative Activities – Creative activities be it sketching, drawing, painting, clay or sand modelling or even craft, these activities not only keep your kids occupied but also get their creative juices churning. Lego is also one such activity which you could together and create brilliant stuff through imagination.

Cooking – Cooking is another indoor activity that could be fun and an opportunity to bond with your children. Be it without fire or with your help, cooking could in itself could be self-satisfying for children and adults as well.


If your kid is more of an outdoor child, there’s a load of activities you could do with them. Play Badminton, cricket or soccer. Go swimming or bicycling or skating. Burn your and kid’s calories and have lots of fun with them.

Go visit a nearby museum or planetorium , a park or some nearby fair to have fun with your kids as well. Spend time together and bond as vacations are the best times to do so other than occupying them into various indoor and outdoor activities mentioned earlier.

Happy Vacations!

Vydehi School of Excellence is one of the Best CBSE Schools in Whitefield Bangalore

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