A Few Tips On Bonding with Your Child!

Every parent wants to develop a bond with their child that makes their child feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to share their emotions be that of happiness joy, fear or anxiety. On the other hand parents today go out of the way to ensure that they are able to meet the needs of their child not only physically but even when it comes to connections. Here are a few tips to help you around strengthening your bond with your child.

A Few Tips On Strengthening The Bond With Your Child

Load them with Hugs – As per scientific study we need at least 4 hugs daily to survive, 9 to maintain ourselves and 12 to grow. So make sure that you snuggle in with your kid at least 8 -10 times a day, to make him/her secure and loved. This will help the child not only grow by bloom with confidence.

Keep Technology at bay – Technology is a boon and a bane too. When it comes to spending time with your kids, you need to keep yourself and your kid away for any kind of distractions in order to engage with them and for them to have your presence felt. So, if you are commuting your way home and wanting to have a chat with your kids, ensure that they are not on your devices, music in the car is off and even kids are away from theirs.

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One on One talk – Be it around bedtime or before take out 15 minutes of time where you have eye contact with your child and talk one on one with him/her. You do not have to have a time table for the same, just fit in some fun activity which makes your kid engage and have fun with you.

Listen to your child – To be a friend of your child or to even develop a close connection you need to listen to your child primarily. That’s the key. Even if you have to say something keep it till your child is done with telling you their thing. You need to understand the perspective of your child and respond in a way that’s win-win for both. Ensure that you respect your child as you respect others.

Family-time connections – Mealtime and bedtime are two very important opportunities for a parent, rather for a family to strengthen the bonding with their child. Have a sort of ritual where you sit with your child and talk to them during mealtime, tell stories and snuggle with your child during bedtime.

Well, even though parenting is one of the most daunting tasks in the world and is a roller coaster ride, having a connection with your child can apparently ease your journey to a considerable extent.

*Sourced from the Internet

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