Choking Hazard in Children Below Four Years – Know More

Many of us take the topic of choking hazards a bit lightly than it needs to be. Its one topic that needs our optimum attentions apparently, because choking can be life threatening for your baby, toddler or kid particularly below 4 years. Here are a few tips to avoid choking hazards in children

Choking Hazard in Children Below Four Years

1. Mash baby food – Its always advisable to give your babies food that is mashed well or pureed, so as to make it easy for them to swallow, even if they don’t chew it.

2. Cook Veggies properly – Do not offer uncooked veggies to kids. Try giving them cooked veggies only be it carrots, beans or any other hard ones. Then cut them into tiny bits and give them.

3. Snack Alert – Always avoid giving your kids snacks like popcorn, gums, nuts or candy’s. There is a high probability of child choking from them.

4. Small Objects a big no – Avoid giving your kids small size objects that can fit the mouth. The child might just put it in the mouth and it could get stuck leading to choking.

5. Slow Eating habit – Try to put a habit of slow eating to your child and chewing most importantly so as to avoid choking.

In case you see that the child is choking, take the child immediately to the hospital while you try these instant first aid steps.

You know that your child or baby is choking if he or she coughs or cries suddenly. There could be some weird noise or no sound at all while turning red or blue.

Coughing or gagging means partially blocked airway. If that’s the case, let the child cough out and the get through the blockage. Its the most effective method.

But, if the baby is unconscious and there is full blockage try doing a CPR after you call the ambulance to take the baby for immediate medical attention. You can even try back blowing or chest thumping to get the object that is stuck inside out. You can find the exact procedure for the same online with pictures to help you manage it effectively.

Choking can be highly dangerous to the child and hence, its always the best idea to take as much care as possible to avoid the same.

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