Ensure Your Kids Eat Healthy – Few Tips

Gone are the days when Indians had four to five kids or even more and they just grew up in a joint family with a long list of close relatives to look after. There have been stories of women not being able to give any time to kids because most of the time went around in the kitchen and other domestic chores for the family. Today, women are out and working and equal to men, at least to say. Today parents are much concerned of every aspect of their child’s developmental process be it health or fitness, academics or sports, hobbies or extra-curricular activities or even mental health. Parents today want the best for their children. What they only miss out on looking into the details of all this is the quality time, which is of utmost importance for the kids and home-made healthy food as well. As both parents are out and working, many kids after school live in daycares and even if they are home, with all the online order facility available at the click of the button, many times its home delivery of restaurant made foods.

Ensure Your Kids Eat Healthy

This apparently hampers the health of the child and deprives them of the needed nutrients that a homemade balanced diet can provide against the processed foods, loaded with unhealthy calories available outside. Apparently, kids pick every little thing from others and primarily it’s the parents. So, if the parents prefer unhealthy food, the kids are obviously going to prefer the same. Well, the solution is to follow what you preach. Eat healthy and seeing you do so, even the child will in no time.

A healthy diet includes five potions of fruits as well as vegetables on a daily basis. The balanced diet should include carbohydrates besides dairy, fats, veggies, and proteins.

It’s simple to understand if you spread it across a pyramid. At the base include the carbohydrates like cereals, pasta, rice and bread as Carbs are responsible for providing energy all through the day. Next in the pyramid are the vegetables and the fruits, followed by protein rich foods like fish, eggs, nuts, pulses and dairy like milk, cheese and yogurt. The phoenix or top of the pyramid is made up of the smallest part that is the fat and sugars including ghee, butter, oil, sweets and cakes.

The base is the largest part and subsequently decreasing as it goes up. Your child’s diet also needs to be that way in order for him/her to get the balance of all the nutrients required to be in the best of health.

*Sourced from Internet

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