How To Choose A Safe And Sound Day Care For Your Little One

With more and more families in India getting nuclear and with generally both the spouses working, the only alternative place for kids after school is day care. Again, with news of daycares not taking proper care of kids, considering a few serious episodes, finding a reliable day care where your kids can be safe and sound does require you to do some serious quality checks as a parent. In India, you can choose between home based day care and private day care. Home based day cares usually are run at home and have few children. Private daycare can have many children and is run by schools and are more structured as compared to home based ones. The recent addition to day cares has been workplace daycares. These are daycares at the place of work of parents, making it easier for them to keep a check on their babies or toddlers. In the recent past, a lot of incidences have cropped up that has compelled parents to review the daycare from safety point of view thoroughly before choosing one. Here’s a run-down a few tips around selecting a day care that’s a safe haven for your child.

How To Choose A Safe And Sound Day Care For Your Little One

Safety & Security – Safety and security is the most important and primary concern for all parents. Do visit the day care personally and don’t just go by word of mouth. Security checks include checking for gates and compound walls done properly so that the kids has not chance of exiting without knowledge with security guards in a sufficient number. Check if they have CCTV provisions. Check if all the electrical points are covered and the bathrooms are suitable for toddlers. Check if the swimming pool is either covered for gated so that the possibility of accidents is reduced to minimum.

License & MorePrivate daycares need to get themselves registered and have a license. Do check if they are licensed while issuing a license the day care needs to have ticks on a lot of requirement check boxes that includes proper infrastructure, quality and hygiene check, staff background checks, emergency procedures and care to name a few.

Food and Hygiene – Health and hygiene preliminary concerns hence do check for the quality of food offers and hygiene like cleanliness in the premises, toys and play equipment are cleaned and washed properly, drinking water and the refrigerators, beds and play area as well, if possible.

Activities – The daycare needs to engage children as keeping them ideal won’t help with their development. Hence, do check if the day care offers adequate physical, social and creative activities.

Do check for reviews and ratings of the day care online and ask friends and people you know who have their kids in the respective daycare.

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*Sourced from the Internet

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