Keeping Kids Away From Screen – How and Why?

In this new age of hi-tech gadgets like mobiles, tablets, smart televisions, computers and more, its quite obvious that like we adults, children get hooked to these screens. It’s not their fault, you see because simply try putting yourselves in their shoes. Can you really resist yourselves from these screens? No would be the obvious answer. While parents find it quite easy to manage their children by providing them a screen, the point is how it is affecting a child in his or her growing years.

Many parents are trying come to terms with the fact that screens are more harmful than beneficial for their kids. Yes, one benefit of all sure is that parents find a shortcut to manage their kids without much pain to their necks. But, little do they know that getting your child hooked to the screen is apparently hindering the overall development of your child in his or her growing years.

Keeping Kids Away From Screen - How and Why

Here are few side effects that continuous exposure to screens can cause in growing children

Difficulty making friends – In early childhood is when a child’s brain is developing fast. This includes the frontal lobe, an area responsible for decoding as well as comprehending social interactions. Now, when a screen is provided for a long period to this growing brain, it takes charge and dulls away the ability to interact with people, empathize with others and the instincts where you interpret situations and try to get a hang of other people is apparently slowed or dulled.

Neuro responses – Most of us would agree with the fact that once our kids get hooked to screens, taking them off the screen might cause them to throw tantrums, meltdowns and uncontrolled crying. This is because the when on screen, a child’s brain responds with the dopamine neurotransmitter, a key component in our brains rewards system that is related to pleasure feelings. This consistent hits feel like addiction and the pattern is only a less intense form of the one that is seen by psychologists in alcohol and drug addictions.

Childhood Obesity – Continuous screen exposure can raise the risk of obesity in growing children. One because the child is now living a sedentary life holding the gadget or in front of the gadget for longer hours and two because kids are likely to eat more also while watching a screen.

Addiction Risks – As per researchers more screen time like over three to four hours a day can increase the risk in children of getting addicted to drugs, unprotected sex, smoking and drink in their teenage years. There is a risk of these children indulging in dangerous behaviors as well.

Well, these are just a few of the many side effects that screen exposure could cause on growing children. Having said that, using screens for education purpose does help but only if it is within specified limits.

An active child shows interest in everything. They display happiness and feel good. They perform well academically too. Physical activities are a must for children to make them active all throughout the day. At least an hour of physical activities per day is a must. It has a wide range of benefits for the children. It checks into their health, social skills and positive approach towards everything.

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