Parenting Tips For Working Parents

Today, particularly in the metros, life moves on the fast track. Couples, both the mother as well as the father work and are out of the house for almost the whole day. Once they’re back from office, they are all stressed out due to their hectic schedule, tired and fatigued. Hence, giving adequate time, the time that not only do their kids deserve, but is the primary responsibility of the parents too is not possible. The solution today is to watch television together or be hooked to the respective gadgets for peace at home and tantrum free environment. Many clinical psychologists experience their clients coming in with a lot of guilt towards not being able to give time to their kids. Raising kids while maintaining your married life and your career is not a cake walk. To achieve that balance and work everything out with all the stress that it brings along requires immense patience and hard work. For a better balance between parenting and work, primarily the spouses need to be on the same page. They need to work it out as a team with a lot of coordination and understanding. Is about expressing your love to your spouse not through verbal expressions but through your actions and for that you need to understand each other’s emotions.

Parenting Tips For Working Parents

Here are few tips for working parents on dealing issues around time management when it comes to spending time with their kids.

Communication – Communication is the key when it comes not only to parenting but to maintaining your relationship in the pink of health. The first few years after the child is born are crucial years in every way for overall development of your child.

Work at home is a big no – When you bring work at home is a big no. When you bring your work home, you are using the time you have and need to spend with the child for your work. This is not only unfair to the child but can affect your child’s wellbeing a lot. When a child wants to talk to you and you do not pay attention it does affect the self-confidence and self-esteem negatively, hence when your child talks to you, switch off everything else and concentrate.

Presence not Presents – Yes, whoever said it ‘Your child needs your presence and not your presents’ did make total sense. While showering your kids with expensive gifts is not a good idea, spending quality time with your child is very important. Taking out time from your schedule for regular vacations, weekend trips to the zoo or museum, etc. can help you bond with your child. You need to teach your children the value of money and better idea is to make them understand that they need to earn their gifts.

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Have fun together – Plan fun indoor or outdoor activities and participate whole heartedly with your child in them. This will help create a good rapport and build a rapport based on the bond of friendship between you and your child. Play indoor sports, indulge in art and craft activities, plan picnics, go on adventures like hiking or biking, etc. Be together as a team and build on your relationship consistently.

Dine together – Dinner table is one time or opportunity to talk with your kids. Do not skip having dinner with family. Try to extend that time by involving your children work with you in the kitchen, be it washing the veggies or laying the table may be. This is the time when you get a chance to discuss the happenings of the day with your children. You can pass on some important lessons, through these daily discussions.

For example -Try explaining them the importance of being on time by telling them that you were scolded by your boss for being late. This way they come to know about the world outside as well.

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*Sourced from the Internet

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