Parenting Trends – 2019

Parenting trends have kept on changing and evolving over time and one of the biggest influence in parenting has been the technology that has also become an integral part of living of humankind and its positive as well as negative effects on kids. Let’s run through some of the parenting trends of 2019 that parents need to be aware about.

Parenting Trends In 2019

Holistic Approach – Even though in India academics is a top priority for parents, there has been a lot of change and parents and even schools are taking the holistic approach of concentrating not only on academic excellence but areas of interest of the child and fostering the same.

Anxiety is normal – Present-day, people are able to understand that it is okay to be anxious, it is normal. Be it adults or kids, everyone is prone to anxiety. A survey in Australia proved that one in seven kids within the age group of 4-18 years having mental health conditions, obviously anxiety is there. People and Parents are accepting this, talking about it and ways to handle the same.

The Technology Effect – Technology has transformed life and has become an integral part of everyone’s lives today. With the pro, there comes the con, that includes its effects on children in terms of over usage or addiction, abuse and more. In 2019, people and parents alike are talking about dealing with the technology cons and balancing the family time and tech time with an objective of using technology for personal enrichment, not entertainment only.

Extra-Curricular Activities – From the beginning of time, to say, academics has always topped the priority list of parents. But, now times are changing and extra-curricular activities could just turn out to be a passion for your kid, a stress buster or rejuvenator for that matter and help in the overall wellbeing as well. Parents are paying attention to extra-curricular activities as much as they do to academics.

Meaningful Conversations – The only way to establish a connection with your child, a bond and friendship is to converse. Meaningful conversations with parents can help children outgrow their anxiety, fears and more. Be it at the meal – table or while indulging into extra-curricular activities inside or outside the house or just having fun, meaningful conversations can work like magic.

With time, the only constant is change, and we need to learn to change. It applies to parenting too and the trends are a harbinger of the same. Well, that’s good news.

*Sourced from Internet

The parent-teacher association of Vydehi School of Excellence is an active body of the School. Every parent and teacher is a member of the association, as VSE strongly believes that parents and teachers must work together with children to improve the quality of education.

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