Popular Games That Find Their Roots in India

ndia is already a land of many inventions be it in the field of mathematics, physics, science, culture or literature, music or sports. We all play games as kids and even adults or senior citizens for that matter but many of us are not really aware of the origins of these games or the roots of these games. Here’s are short tour into the games that actually originated or have been known to be originated in India.kho kho

Kho Kho – Played less now, but just till two decades ago, it was a common and well known Indian Game. This game is known to have been played a lot even in the ancient times particularly by the Emperors on their chariots and was known as ‘Rathera’ because of that.


Kabaddi – One of the most popular games in India now, thanks to the Pro Kabaddi league, this sport finds its origin in Tamilnadu, India and is known to be over 4000 years old with five different forms namely Amar, Circle, Goongi, Gaminee and Suranjeevii.



Chess – Known as Ashtapada in ancient India, Chess is one of the oldest games to have originated in India. During the rule of Gupta Empire it came to be known as Chaturanga and later the Persians who travelled to India named it as Shatranj. There is also a mention of a similar board game in the Indus Valley Civilization archaeological sites. No wonder, even today India is topping the world charts in chess competitions.

ludo game

Ludo – Played for the first time in the 6th Century, Ludo was earlier known as Pachisi and was derived from another ancient Indian game called Chausar. Chausar has its mention in the Ramayana as well as on the carvings of Ajant and Ellora too.

Polo game

Polo – Many of us aren’t aware that Polo also has originated in India though it was later propagated by the British across the world. The game find its origins in Manipur where the monarchs there played it on Elephants for recreation in 33 AD in the court of Kumpapa Cheitharon.

Well, there are many more games including Badminton, snakes and ladders, cards and more that find their roots in ancient India and its quite surprising and awe-inspiring to see that these games even today are ruling the hearts of people, even in the times of electronic gadgets, they are not wiped off completely.

*Sourced from Internet

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