Safe Diwali For Kids – A Few Tips

Diwali is one of the most celebrated and significant festivals in India. Diwali is a festival of lights and everyone right from kids to the elderly await it all year long. Crackers are also an integral part of Diwali celebrations and kids especially are very eager and fond of them. But, accidents are also a common with children around Diwali. The happiness on faces turns into sadness when such incidences occur. But, these can be avoided by taking few precautionary measures. Here’s run down few tips on avoiding accidents this Diwali and making it a happy one for one and all –

Safe Diwali For Kids – A Few Tips

Quality – Quality of crackers is of utmost importance. See to that so that you ensure safety of your kids at the preliminary level.

Clothes – Wearing cotton clothes is recommended while bursting crackers. Though Diwali is all about wearing new and silk clothes in particular, while lighting the crackers keep it cotton.

Less Noise – Noisy crackers like Bombs not only cause noise pollution, air pollution and disturbance for animals but could be unsafe for children too.

Shoes – Many children light crackers and throw crackers like sparklers here and there. At times children get burnt because they light crackers bare footed. So, children have to wear shoes so their feet are intact and safe from burns.

First aid – Always keep water and first aid handy so that in case of any mishap, quick action could be taken and further damage could be avoided.

Measures – Never light diyas in areas near to upholstery of the house or any fabric. Keep fire crackers safely and away from diyas in order to avoid any kind of mishap.

Supervision – For children supervision is most important. The risk of accidents is increased by multifold if left on their own. So, ensure that your children are lighting up cracker under adult supervision come what may.

Though, even after all the precautions, accidents can occur but taking all the precautions needed makes it a very rare occurrence.

*Sourced from Internet

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