The Need to Teach your Child to Code in India

There were times when computers had just made an entry in a common man’s world and were extremely slow and without much of storage facility. Switch to present times and you have a computer in your pocket that is umpteen times faster than the earlier ones and with super storage capabilities, to name a few. Today, you’ll find a software for solving most of your issues and problems. This implies that we are already living in the world that is dominated by software. Such is the scenario today, imagine what’s the future going to be like?

Obviously, it’s going northwards when it comes to online or digital. Just like in the older times, we communicated using various different languages, today we communicate using software. Hence, it is critical that we teach our children the language of communication of today viz. coding.

codingEven though there has been such a mammoth rise in the computing world, somewhere India has ignored this growth by not including coding languages in school curriculums at an early level. It’s not that coding is something not suitable for the kids but apparently, anyone in the world can easily learn the basic skills with simple tutorials. In no time you can be ready to make your own programs and applications.

Many countries are looking into this avenue and one such country that has understood the importance of coding is Britain. It has set up organizations like Code Academy, Code Club, and Young Rewired Stage to name a few, thus helping youngsters learn coding skills.

Well, you might be wondering: is learning code, like, need of the hour because it is a crucial skill that can get you jobs in the future easily? Not that its only about getting jobs but its more about honing your ability of problem-solving and learning a new way to think. Plus, you can learn to resolve complex issues by breaking them into smaller resolvable ones. It is about computational thinking and its benefits not just in a work area but your routine life as well.

Coding has not only caught the attention of foreign countries, many in India have also felt the need to teach their children coding and one example is Tanmay Bakshi, the little one aged only 12 who has addressed IBM’s biggest ever developer meet in Bengaluru attended by over 10,000 coders. The good news is he is not the only one, India is witnessing a pool of super coders rising and in the age groups of as young as 8 -17 years. This has also motivated biggies like Microsoft, Apple and IBM go trotting for child coders.

Perhaps, the time to teach our children how to code is now and the process has already begun. It’s time that parents also take a keen interest in teaching children computational languages and making them ready for the future.

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