The Teched Families – Parenting Leveraging Technology

Present-day, technology is penetrated through every single strata of India right from the low income levels to the high income groups. Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and we cannot shy away from the fact that children are exposed to the most. Be it games or music, children do use parents mobile phones and keeping children away from gadgets is one of the major challenges parents are facing today. Even parents look for solutions to their children’s needs on the internet. There are many apps already available online to help people around parenting be it before or after the birth of the child. A few examples of apps including pregnancy care, baby growth monitoring, sleep tracking apps and more. Furthermore, there are brands who are already in the process of a making child possessions like Prams and mobiles into smart devices. Hence, we could aptly say that technology has influenced education to a great extent. Now, the question is how can we leverage technology and make it a win-win situation for parents and kids as well. Mr Jairaj Bhattacharya, MD ConvenGenius says “ Parents are choosing to provide digital devices to children. This is because children are exposed to gadgets like smartphones for entertainment and games anyways. If these gadgets could further learning outcomes and improve them psychologically, it serves as a win-win for the parent and the child. Also this serves as a great approach to fill the gaps that working parents face today due to lack of time towards their study.

The Teched Families - Parenting Leveraging Technology

So, apps that educate children can really work well. There are already a few there that include apps connect Parents, Teachers as well as students on one common platform. Then there are one on one tutoring apps also already there for tutoring the child while there’s a facility for the parent to monitor progress of the child as well. Apps like objective is to provide quality content for kids of different age groups right form 1.5 years to 8 years.

Having said that, continuous exposure to smart phones is not a good idea anyways. Smartphones of parents could have other content not suitable for children plus their eyes could be at risk as well. Tablet manufacturers have already taken this problem into account and have created tablets exclusively for kids with hard cases for resisting a few bumps as well like Eddy tablet by Intel. It’s a treasure trove for over 100 books referred by Educators and over 160 applications for children. Another innovative initiative is toys on rent initiative. No parent would disagree when we say a child cannot play with the same toy for long and does not have the interest to keep it safe for a long time. Rent a toy is the only easy way out to this problem. You can rent toys for your child and return them once the child is done playing. The toys available are sanitized for the safety and hygiene of children and come with amazing rental plans as well. Many of us are already aware of tools like video baby monitor that help parents monitor their baby remotely day and night.

Well, technology could be a boon only if it is used for the betterment and development of your child smartly. Though, it could never be a substitute for the time parents provide to their child or spend with them. So, using smart apps as well as technology for the betterment of your child is okay but balancing the same by spending quality time with your child is of utmost importance and no gadget or app in the world can ever be a substitute for the same.

*Sourced from Internet

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