What Role Do Parents Play in their Child’s Learning Process

There is no denying that kids follow the foot-steps of their parents in many ways than one. So, not only the parents have to be careful what they say but careful about how they behave or what they do when kids are around. Hence, as a parent you need to know that you are actually the first role model of your child and hence it’s how you nurture the sapling that affects its blooming in the future.

What Role Do Parents Play in their Child's Learning Process

Being a role model – As the saying goes, parents are a child’s first teachers, you as a parent not only teach directly but the child takes a lot by observing you as well. Hence, if you want your child to be good, you need to be good primarily.

Invest time Bonding – It’s very important for a child to feel emotionally secure and protected. For a child to feel this way, personal bonding is important. This can happen by exchanging frequent hugs, smiles and pats. Spending a lot of time together and doing activities together.

Observe your Childs Interests – You can be the torch bearer for fueling your child’s passion and directing your child’s energy in the right direction. To do the same you need to find out the interests of your child and then work around nurturing them, thus helping your child realizing their passion, working on it and ultimately excelling.

Make them learn their way – Make learning easy, interesting and fun using methodologies which your child understands and responds to. If your child likes to learn through pictures, trying doing that modality or a combination of modalities that fit best for easy learning of your child.

Read Stories / Tell Stories – Albert Einstein said ‘if you want your children to be intelligent read them fairy tales, if you want your children to be more intelligent read them more fairy tales. Well, need I say anything more? Read a lot with your children, read them stories at bed time, read read and read.

Well, there is a lot that goes in being a parent, and a there’s nothing like a good or bad child, its only about a good or bad parent!

The parent-teacher association of Vydehi School of Excellence is an active body of the School. Every parent and teacher is a member of the association, as VSE strongly believes that parents and teachers must work together with children to improve the quality of education.

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