To encourage the students for widening their knowledge of computers & information technology, an All-India level Computer Quiz CRYPTICS 5.0, was hosted by Vydehi School of Excellence, Bengaluru, in their school campus, on Saturday the 28th of January, 2023, for the schools located in Bengaluru. Number of schools across Bengaluru have participated in the competition. The program started with the lamp lighting ceremony by the principal Ms. Sinia Sajith and all the head mistresses of the school. The head mistress of Middle school wing Ms. Viritha encouraged all the participants briefing them the vision of our CEO sir regarding Cryptics, the history and when it had started.

The competition took place in two levels, both preliminary and quarterfinals. The various rounds for the competition were basics of computing, history of computer, visual rounds, latest technology, short cut keys, rapid fire, buzzer round, etc. The questions put forth to the teams were intriguing and exciting. The students surprised everyone with their in-depth knowledge and information of computers. The audience enjoyed the quiz and found it to be an informative and knowledge enriching experience.

The energetic quiz masters Ms. Ranjeeta, Ms. Sreepriya, Ms. Nilofer and the vehement efforts of the entire computer department of the school, should be applauded. The selected teams would participate & compete with the shortlisted participants across all over India, in the semi-finals & the finals that would take place on 11th February, 2023. Congratulations to all the winners of the day and let’s wait for the big one that would take place in a fortnight.

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