Dayananda Sagar University celebrated talent search to nurture, unveil and reward the best talents of India. Dayananda Sagar University, an innovative education provider, organized this training and exhibition in their campus in Bangalore. DSU is well equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, set up by global corporates to instill innovative thinking in young minds of the university.
It was a great opportunity for all the students of Vydehi School of Excellence to learn, improve, and exhibit their technology interests. Our students A.C Raghava and Shraddha Devagiri from Grade 9 got First place in science model making competition (Energy challenge for safe and sustainable world),Second place in Group Discussion, won by Rushil Rajesh, Tushar kumar Jain, Pritish Mishra, Pawan Shakti and Arvind from Grade 11. Pritish,Rushil and Saidutt from Grade 11 won Third place in Science model making competition(Air Quality Monitoring System).
Congratulations to the winners!