English elocution competition (Theme – I am an Indian) UKG


As a part of Republic Day Celebration this month, English Elocution Competition for UKG Grade was conducted as planned as on 30-01-2015. The Theme given was “I am an Indian”. Also, some parents of preprimary department were invited to judge our children’s performance. Each child had lots to convey, their gesture mirrored the growing patriotism in them.

UKG Elocution Competition Results
Event Conducted on 30-Jan-2015
Section KIWI
Winners List
First Ajay Krishnamurthy
Second Priyal Tiwari
Third Abhinand B
Winners List
First 1. Anjali A
2. Rishan P
Second Adityaram T
Third Ashutosh M
Section BULBUL
Winners List
First 1. Brahmi
2. Manav
3. Saanvi
4. Sanjana
Second K. Bhargav
Third Siddarth
Section Nightingale
Winners List
First Brindha Bharathi Raja
Second Stutee P
Third Sarah Senu
Aaron Tharakan
Section Kingfisher
Winners List
First Om E
Second 1. Benita
2. Hannah
Third Aditya

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