Grade 3 – Special Assembly – Yoga: The Way of Life.

“Yoga begins with listening. When we listen, we are giving space to what is.” — Richard Freeman
Yoga is a beautiful physical, mental, and spiritual practice it is related to having a healthy body and a healthy mind. It is a beautiful form of exercise that links the soul to nature and keeps you fit and active. To instill in the children the value of yoga Vydehi School of Excellence organised a special assembly on 2nd March 2023, for the students of Grade 3.The theme was Yoga: The Way of Life.”The assembly began with prayer, followed by the pledge and thought for the day. Students participated with enthusiasm, explained the benefits of yoga through skits, dance, and music. The advantages of yoga were masterfully explained by the young intellect. Students performed admirably. It was enjoyable to watch such bright young minds display their talent. The programme culminated with a vote of thanks and a rendition of the national anthem.

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