The Navarasas are the nine emotions that make us lively because without them we would be lifeless, devoid of any emotions. Many of us have a higher emotional quotient and we are comfortable to let them flow freely. We all go through all these emotions at various points of our lives. We all at some point, experience the feeling of love, surprise, anger, sadness, fear, courage, aversion and peace. Knowing emotions will allow us to embrace life and the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it, no matter how good or bad the situation is.
To manifest these emotions, a special assembly – “NAVARASA– THE NINE EMOTIONS” was organized by the sections of grade 7E, 7F & 7G with great merriment and cheerfulness.
The assembly commenced with the prayer, pledge, news bulletin and the theme–based performances. Wonderful Vydehians performed scintillating dance, songs, act to exhibit each emotion that are the essence of human communication and understanding. The special assembly helped each of them to know and cultivate greater awareness and take control of our emotions.
The assembly ended with the national anthem.