Makar Sankranti Special Assembly in Preprimary Department was presented by LKG E students as on 19/01/2016.
Makar Sankranti is the festival of harvesting, kites and sweets and is celebrated throughout India with splendour and glory.
The stage was decorated with flowers, kites, painted vessels, and sugarcare making the theme more presentable.
School Principal, Ms. Sinia Sajith, inaugurated the assembly with lamp lighting. The festival of song and dance was celebrated with full enthusiasm by our little tiny tots.
Children displayed a drama on the theme “Celebrating Makar Sankranti in India” where they presented different types of celebrations of Makar Sankranti in various parts of India.
The assembly came to a finish with a beautiful dance and a loud cheer of “Happy Sankranti” that boomed throughout the assembly greeting everyone and with a message to all “Take Sweet, Talk Sweet, & Be Sweet”