Mathematics is the universal language it rises above words You won’t need special equipment, millions of dollars or lots of people, you just need your mind. Mathematics is pure and even timeless it neither rusts nor does it decay, It only needs your thoughts to make it work. Mathematics goes beyond the real world, Yet the real world seems to be ruled by it. Grade VI – IX celebrated V- Infinity route to excellence Math fest on 16.02.2017with lots of enthusiasm .Students showcased the evolution of number system ,different branches of mathematics through a dance drama followed by numericana quiz competition and array of costume competition . Students of master mind invented a magic square called Ramanujan’s Magic square and our young mathemagicians did amazing magic tricks where the audience were engrossed completely. This fest was an immensely learning experience for students to display their talent and knowledge. We are proud of this great start- a new beginning of VSE’s Math fest journey.