VSE organized a Robotics workshop for grades 7 and 8 on 1st Oct, 2016, in association with Roboversity and Skyfi Labs. Robotics is the art of making robots, machines that combine concepts from multiple engineering disciplines. The students understood the technicalities behind robotics and had a highly interactive session with the trainer, Mr. Madan Kumar. Children learned about the importance of artificial intelligence and robotics in our lives and the world around us. They also learned the importance of teamwork as they build a Robot together. The students guided by their trainer built a Line Follower Robot. Line follower is an autonomous robot which follows either black line in white are or white line in black area. Robot is able to detect a particular line and keeps following it.

The students were filled with a sense of achievement and pride when they saw their robot moving around. The auditorium was reverberating with claps and applause as the students saw their creation come to life in front of them.


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