VKIDS has won the Brainfeed School Excellence Awards 2017-18, under the Best Pre–Schools Category.
Vydehi School of Excellence is proud to announce that VKIDS has won the Brainfeed School Excellence Awards 2017-18, under the Best Pre–Schools Category on November 12, 2017 for its contribution towards the cause of Quality in Education through Exemplary Performance.
Brainfeed magazine is one of the pioneers in the field targeting the entire education sector from Primary to High School education. It provides latest information on academic issues arising out of classroom pedagogical practices, innovative technology-based teaching and latest developments in the present educational scenario with facus on the 3-16 age group.
Its informative editorial coverage of current news, government strategies and curriculum criteria, in addition to industry features, in-depth articles, makes the magazine a vital tool for educators to keep in touch with their industry developments.
Brainfeed’s earnest endeavour is to inculcate the habit of reading among young students and support educators and other stakeholders in educational activities collaboratively.