Workshop on Reap Benefit

Reap Benefit Program ended with a great Zeal and enthusiasm after the two days of continuous half days sessions on 23rd & 24th October, 2017. All the students were super excited on their achievement. Vydehi School of Excellence had started the program on Reap Benefit with Grades 8 & 9 students on 7th July 2017.Reap Benefit is a social enterprise which solves local neighborhood environment & civic problems ( solid waste, water, sanitation etc;) with young people using technology. Students worked with some physical tools under the supervision of four mentors and three teacher in-charges. Here is a table on the projects each group worked, as well as its impact and relevance.

Team Name Problem Statement Solutions
The Builders Wastage of water in push taps Low cost aerators
Electrical Indigo Sanitation & Cleaning of floors Sanitary dustbins

Water saving Mop

Team 85 Waste Composting in school
The Mechanics Electricity Automatic sensors
Spice Squad Air Quality Eco DIY Air Filter
The Creators Waste Waste Segregation Bins

During the ten sessions of the program students learnt the fundamentals of design thinking to take on problems related to waste, water, energy and sanitation that surround us and to build solutions to solve them.The agenda was problem solving, how to solve and why to solve, team formation, problem solving hunt, and reflection. It included story telling of previous problem solvers, videos, small group activity related to DISC (i.e Discover , Investigate, Solve, and Communicate).The program was interesting, interactive, engrossing fun learning for all the students.


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