Problem solving skills help a child to succeed. As problems have a habit of popping up all the time and hence it is important to teach a child ways to get an imaginative solution to them. Problem solving involves both logical and creative approach to thinking.
In continuation of our efforts to train young minds to become problem solver. Second session was conducted by Reap benefit team on Friday 14th July. Ms. Camilla and Ms. Utkarsha guided students how to design a solution.
Students learned how to make a mind map when working to find solution of a problem. They learned that mind mapping is great tool to solve problems. It is a way to organize ideas and it opens up possibilities, which may help a child to get into a calm problem solving mind.
Students were asked to work in groups to analyze models or designs of things they see around them and list few positive and negative points about it in a given interval of time. They shared their observations in class. Team returning back before time was awarded extra points as appreciation of time management.
Students were asked to prepare a mind map of features like process, material, equipment, people etc. They should keep in mind when planning to design a solution for any problems the different steps are identifying the cause, generate potential solution, evaluate and plan action, implement action and evaluate the change.
Session ended with a motivational video and a home work to analyze good and bad features of design of commonly used things at home.