Yellow colour day

Understanding of colour is a tool for learning many skills in all curriculum areas, from math and science to language and reading. Colour words are some of the first words used to describe the things.

VYDEHI SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE celebrated Yellow Colour Day on  7th July 2021, with Pre-primary students. The Yellow day celebration was a great learning activity which helped children to understand the concept of primary colours. Yellow, the colour of sunshine, represents Hope and Happiness. It is also a symbol of freshness, positivity, intellect and joy.

 To make this day special, children and teachers were dressed in hues of the yellow as a part of Yellow Day celebration and it was looking bright and beautiful. Children enjoyed the Rhyme and Story, virtually they have learnt how to prepare “MANGO MILK SHAKE” and also, they got opportunity to speak about their yellow colour favourite object.   

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