bangalore school
Academic Philosophy

The aim of Vydehi School of Excellence is to provide students with a positive, inclusive, learning environment in which they have every opportunity to achieve their full potential. The school believes in the attainment of academic excellence but also firmly believes in the education of the whole person as well as education for life. Our concern is for the students’ physical, moral, aesthetic, artistic, social, emotional, and academic development.

In practice, we believe this will be realized through a wide range of opportunities and challenges, and that the mastery of fundamental skills goes hand -in- hand with the freedom to create and explore.
Vydehi School of Excellence, recognizes that every child is unique and brings qualities from birth that can all be directed in a positive and acceptable direction. We respect each child as an individual with their own characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, interests, temperament, strategies and learning pace in a safe, happy, free, caring and respectful environment.

Therefore our curriculum provides a blend of free-play and carefully structured activities to teach early concepts. Activities throughout the day are planned that enable children to make choices.

This element of choice, allows the children to develop skills at their own pace with the appropriate assistance of the teacher.
The necessary ingredients to reach these goals includes time, patience, and a shared vision held by all involved in the school community.