VSE congratulates Olympiad Award Winners
Posted June 26, 2014
VSE heartily congratulates the Olympiad Winners for their awesome performance in the Olympiads
Parent’s feedback on Positive Parenting Workshop
Posted June 25, 2014
An amazingly interactive and informative program for parents at VSE.
Competition series in June at VSE
Posted June 25, 2014
VSE conducted a competition series in the month of June to bring in excitement in all the students about school in this new session.
Yellow Day was celebrated by – Play school,Nursery, LKG
Posted June 25, 2014
Preprimary Children – Playgroup, Nursery, LKG celebrated YELLOW DAY on 20/06/2014.
National science Olympiad-Awards(2013-2014)
Posted June 20, 2014
VSE congratulates the National Science Award Winners and the Finalists(Second level) for their incredible success. Well Done…
Teachers Orientation was on 26th May 2014
Posted June 5, 2014
During Orientation, A presentation about School Policy, Values and Ethics were detailed to the new Staffs Joining in the upcoming Session.
Summer Camp Carnival
Posted June 4, 2014
A Summer Camp, FUN TROOPERS 2014, was organized at the Vydehi School of Excellence from 8th April-16th May 2014.
Admission open for all
Posted June 4, 2014
Admission open for all classes from Class I to Class IX
The classes for the Nursery, LKG and UKG opens on the following dates
Posted June 4, 2014
Classes for the Nursery, LKG and UKG opens after summer vecation
Orientation program for parents on Evaluation and Assessment Policy
Posted June 4, 2014
Orientation program is being organized for the parents on the evaluation & assessment policy