Winner for the Rhyme Competition in September 2013-2014 – Nursery
Posted October 31, 2013
Nursery (Strawberry) 1. Sri Sal Suresh /Arshia Goyal 2. Sathvik Sriram & Pradyumna 3.Joshith Nursery (Cherry) 1. Johan 2. Vedant 3. Salram & Tlshya
Rhymes of Month
Posted October 31, 2013
HEN HENCOUNT TEN Hen, hen, count to ten; Goat, goat, get your coat; Pig, pig, dance a jig. Mouse, mouse, build a house; Chick, chick, make it quick; Cat, cat, find your hat. Bear, bear, go upstairs, Mite, mite, say good night; Sheep, sheep, go to sleep. THE ELEPHANT GOES Like this, like that (On […]
Results of the show and tell competition:
Posted October 31, 2013
Please find the list winners of the “SHOW AND TELL COMPETITION”… UKG KING FISHER UKG KIWI UKG PENGUIN First Sejal First Pranjal First Pragaalya Second Yash Second Sharvl Second SImran / SrlnidhI Third Niharika Third Revert Third Advay
Winners of the Show and Tell Competition for the month of September 2013
Posted October 31, 2013
Winners of the Show and Tell Competition for the month of September 2013 LKG – Tulip LKG-Rose LKG- Jasmine LKG-Sunflower 1th Akshata Gupta Anishi Gupta Sumedh Iyer Anvita .Phaneendra 2nd Bhavya Mahajan Syed Muhammad Junaid Archit P.Anand Brahmi Navin Aditya Ram 3rd Ridhima Chauhan Ashutosh Mishra Nihal Thampi Sri Charvi Dalawai
Hindi Recitation Competition
Posted October 25, 2013
Vydehi School of Excellence, as one of its program to expand the potential of its students, organized Hindi Recitation Competition. Children were excited beyond expectations to participate in the function.
VSE students organized the teacher’s day event on 5th September 2013
Posted October 25, 2013
Vydehi School of Excellence celebrated Teachers’ Day with great enthusiasm on 5th September 2013 at Vydehi School of Excellence. The event was very special especially because it was completed planned and managed by our students
Vydehi School of Excellence in the Media
Posted October 25, 2013
Vydehi school of Excellence organized a ‘Parents Observation Day’ on 21-08-2013
Posted October 25, 2013
Every parent enjoys seeing their child learning with a lot of curiosity and interest to explore new worlds of knowledge. There cannot be a more satisfying thing in the world for a parent other than his/her child thinking intelligently and answering questions asked by teachers.
Patriotic Singing Competition – Vydehi School of Excellence
Posted October 25, 2013
Amidst independence struggle, freedom fighters use to create patriotic songs as an inspiration to the compatriots. Throughout the history, there are evidence for songs and music playing a very important role in any strike or revolution to restore morality, order and justice in the country.
Times of India Art Competition Winners
Posted October 25, 2013
The Spirit of Accomplishment in the World of Stiff Competition We take this opportunity to congratulate the four outstanding artists – Megha J. Sattian (Class V), Varsha J. Sattian ( Class V), Arvind .B ( Class VI), Akshaya (Class VI) of our school for being the Winners of Times of India NIE – 175 years […]