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Our Perspective

Talent Development

All stake holders in the school – teachers, parents and students together play an important role in identifying, channelizing and encouraging the latent talent of a child, in the right direction. Our school provides training in a variety of disciplines of performing, creative and visual arts, through a carefully planned curriculum that helps identify and promote the growth of talent within every child.

The Fitness Mantra

“A healthy mind in a healthy body”, as the quote goes, a robust physical education program is vital to instill the fact that it is necessary to have a healthy body to have a healthy mind. It provides a clear understanding to develop and have an active life style and good health.

Sports tournaments at various levels in chess, badminton, basketball, volley-ball, gymnastics, football, roller-skating, and athletics are part of our school curriculum. This not only enhances the spirit of healthy competition, but also equips the child to be disciplined, well coordinated and improves their abilities to work individually and in a team.

These are the growing up years of every child and hence it is critical for them to have a healthy diet. Kids these days take to junk food and are finicky about the food they are served and many a times eat food based on their mood or taste they develop. Hence, it is of prime importance for the parents to know that their child needs to develop the right food habit. Our school Dietician designs the meal plan based on the inputs given by every parent about their child. They assist the school and parents in supporting healthy eating practice and counseling diet changes wherever and whenever required for a child or the entire classroom. Thus we follow a 2-pronged approach for inculcating good health and eating habits for every child in our school curriculum.

Special Education Needs

The school is inclusive from inception and the building is fully accessible to anyone with special needs. We recognize that each child has different strengths and thus look forward to be able to provide a diverse curriculum that is meaningful and purposeful.

During the formative years of the child, every child has different degrees of learning abilities. If the parents and the teacher do not understand the child’s learning disabilities, it goes unnoticed and the child grows up those disabilities. Such problems deserve a comprehensive evaluation by an expert who can assess all of the various issues affecting the child. Only a child psychiatrist can help coordinate the evaluation, and work with parents and teachers to have the evaluation and educational testing done to clarify if a learning disability exists.

An experienced Child Psychiatrist at our Special Education Centre, on regular basis interacts with the child and family, evaluating their situation, reviewing the educational testing, and consulting with the teachers. Accordingly our child psychiatrist then makes appropriate recommendations regarding the need for special help such as special educational services or speech-language therapy and help parents assist their child in optimizing learning potential.

Parent Connect

We consider parents as equal partners in the overall growth and development of a child. Hence, we look forward to their collaboration in the progress and success of our students. Effective “Parent-Teacher” interactions are held on a regular basis to enable clearer communication and a closer bond of trust between the parent-teacher and child. A powerful School Management system helps track the academic and non-academic progress of the student.

Teacher Empowerment

Teachers at the Vydehi School of Excellence are learners too. Our Teacher Empowerment Program (TEP) equips our teachers with the best pedagogical strategies which facilitate learning in the classroom. They are exposed to regular orientation and in-service training programs to keep them abreast with the latest developments in their respective disciplines.

We believe that the soul of an institution is its faculty and if their passion to learn wanes they will cease to grow. And only if the faculty constantly learns & grows, the growth of the institution and its students is secure.
